To our EEC Families –
To say that things haven’t exactly gone as planned over the last 14 months, might be an understatement.
However, there are a few things that have allowed EEC to thrive, through even the most difficult situations. It is all of you, paired with our amazing teachers. Without your confidence and trust EEC would not be thriving during a pandemic. The world turned upside down, and throughout you have offered words of support, offers for help, and words of trust and caring. You have checked on the staff, supported what seemed like constant change, and in the end, remained committed to EEC.
In all decisions made here, the children come first. When we reopened in June we planned for the worst. We planned for days or weeks of crying (from children, parents, and teachers)as children transitioned back. We were amazed at how smoothly that transition went. This is only because of the bonds that were created between your children and their teachers before March. You trusted us, in some difficult times to give your child the care, love, and consistency that they craved and needed. You trusted us to make sure we provide an environment that is not only welcoming but also safe. Thank you for doing your part as well to keep the EEC family safe and healthy.
To families who have joined our family during these trying times, we recognize the faith, trust, and anxiety that accompanied leaving your children in the hands of strangers, even when you couldn’t enter the building yourselves.
I thank all of you – because 90% of our new families start with us because of recommendations from current and past EEC families. It is always our hope to provide your child the best care and support for not only your child but our families as well. Thank you – FOR EVERYTHING.
I wish you all a small, healthy, happy Thanksgiving!
Best, Jamie