The Office of Child Care Licensing has updated some of the regulations for childcare. They don't impact the day to day, but wanted to send some reminders. Please remember OCCL's guidance is the requirement, but we can choose stricter policies.
We can only stay as healthy and safe as we have if we all remain diligent. Thank you to all the families who have taken the necessary precautions. EEC has remained one of very few centers that hasn't had multiple shut downs. We cannot let our guard down.
Upon entering the building you are agreeing to the following:
Your child does not have an elevated temperature over 99.5
Your child is NOT on fever reducing medication
Your child has no COVID-19 symptoms
If your child has COVID-19 symptoms that are cleared by a doctor - you must provide documentation
No one in your household is being tested/monitored for COVID-19
Please note that we still adhere to all other health precautions that pertain to communicable diseases (stomach bugs, rashes, etc.)
April 30th at 4pm is our MAY DAY Hat Parade!
Each classroom has a theme. Please work on making this celebration super fun. The classroom with the most "HOMEMADE" hats in the theme for the classroom will get a PAJAMA POPSICLE POP MUSIC PARTY! If you don't know - PLEASE ASK!!
We hope you all will attend!